Friday, March 25, 2011

Choices, Life, and the Relationship between the two.

We make choices every day. What to wear to school or work, what to say in a conversation, where to go, what to eat. Simple things. But sometimes we are faced with a choice that takes a lot more out of us than we expected. Sometimes we make choices that cause us to actually have to work for something, or even let something go. 
Sometimes we have to choose between happiness and misery, and other times we have to decide whether or not we are going to fight for the one thing we want. In my case, this one thing is being a Photo Journalist. I couldn't make the choice between photographer, and journalist, so I combined the two. But sometimes choices aren't so simple. My choice to chase after photography has caused quite a few differences in my life, both good and not so good. 
On one hand, I've lost a friend or two in the chase of a similar dream. Losing friends is never easy, but I chose to rise above that and look out for myself, and my dreams. One of the many lessons I have learned from pursuing  photography is that you cannot let those who disagree or disapprove keep you from expressing who you are or what you are feeling. On the other hand, I have met so many new people with the same dream but different approaches to capturing it. I have also discovered that, of the friends I had already, some of the best and most amazing have showed me by simply supporting me and opening new doors. 

Melinda Murray, for example, shares the same hopes of becoming a photographer. She takes beautiful photographs and has been my friend for about four years now. Throughout every difficult decision and rough patch with less approving friends, she has been there to pat me on the back and give me advice that, so far, has always pulled me through. There is no jealousy between us, no competition to be better than one another, nor do we feel compelled to keep secrets of our success from each other. We always support one another, and even make plans to work with one another on projects. I couldn't ask for a more supportive friend when it comes to chasing the same dreams. 

Of course there are other amazing people: Amber Sloan,Mr. Dennis Tishkowsky, Mrs. Cherysse Carter,  Lauren Stephenson, Zachary Cooper, Melody Harkins, and more that I am sure I forgot to name. Even a good friend of mine named Robert Vazquez, whom I have known for less than a year, is extremely supportive of what I do and is working on helping me get even farther. I am grateful that God has put these people in my life, because had He not, I wouldn't be making the choices I am today, I wouldn't have such a solid foundation to stand on, and I definitely would not be posting this Blog in Confidence.